All classes are running to schedule until Easter 2025
All classes are running to schedule until Easter 2025
Welcome to my website and thank you for expressing an interest in my BWYQ Level 4 Diploma in Teaching Yoga Course (RQF) (500 Hours).
Please see below a breakdown of the course fees and the other costs you can expect to incur:
Please follow the link to the Course page for details about me and about the curriculum content .
All tuition fees are paid direct to the tutor.
The course deposit is payable by bank transfer on acceptance of a course place.
This deposit is strictly non-refundable.
The monthly fees are paid by standing order and are due on the 1st of each month starting from the first day of the month that the course commences.
If a student decides to leave the course before completion of their qualification then standing order payments cease from the month following their last course day.
Payments made prior to that date are strictly non-refundable.
The Diploma course involves 500 hours of study. Students receive at least 255 hour if direct Tutor contact time which includes course days and tutor led reviews. The remaining hours are for home study and preparation of assessed work.
The fees include :
This is a pre-requisite to attending the level 4 course and not included in the tutor hours.
The full cost of this course is normally £480 but student teachers with the BWY get a heavily discounted rate. The tutor pays the registration fee on behalf of the student.
Here is the link to check out the very comprehensive content and curriculum. (Please don’t sign up now or you won’t get the discount!)
BWY Membership
All student teachers must be members of the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) for the full duration of the course.
Membership fees are paid by the student direct to BWY via the BWY website on acceptance of a course place and these are due for renewal annually.
BWY Membership - £42 at time of writing but subject to change by the BWY
BWY Student Teacher Upgrade –£57 at time of writing but subject to change by the BWY. This fee includes teaching insurance.
Course registration fees paid by the student direct to the BWY.
BWYT Registration £150 (BWYT is the training centre responsible for the content of the qualification)
BWYQ Registration £150 (BWYQ is the awarding body that regulates the training and ensures it complies with national framework standards) )
Extra tuition time.
Students must achieve 80% attendance at course days and tutor contact events to compete their QSF Level 4 qualification.
Shorter, one to one tuition via Zoom can be arranged to “catch up” on the main content of missed course days or events at an extra cost of £35 per hour payable to the tutor in advance of the session.
Assessed Class Teaching Tutor Travel Expenses
Tutor travelling expenses currently £0.45 per mile or standard class public transport/train fares are not included and are due after the assessment takes place
Additional Assessed Class Teaching Fees
Students who cannot come to a suitable arrangement with the Diploma Course Tutor (DCT) regarding their Assessed Class Teaching asignments can be assessed by another BWY DCT. The course tutor will transfer the assessment fee to that DCT but the student is responsible for any extra expenses including re-imbursment of any travelling expenses.
Should a student fail part of an ACT and the tutor has to attend another class to re-assess then a resit fee of £35 + travelling expenses is due to the course tutor. If the student used a DCT other than the course tutor then the tutor will make any necessary arrangements for a re-assessment. Students will be responsible for all associated fees.
In the unlikely event that the student fails the whole assessment then the full rate of £75 + travelling expenses will be due for the resit.
Emergency First Aid at Work Training
It is necessary to complete a 6 hour Emergency First Aid at Work Course (EFAAW) before beginning to teach. At the time of writing approved First Aid Courses cost approx £60 and are available via private providers.
Setting up classes
As part of the course students teach an 6-10 week course of classes. They will also be teaching their own classes once the tutor deems them competent to do so.
All costs associated to setting up that course and their own classes including, but not limited to, venue hire, equipment, travel expenses, and advertising costs are the responsibility of the student. The course fees do not cover any part of that process other than the associated course work and assessments . Equally all of the income from those sessions belongs to the student and it is their responsibility to declare that income to HMRC if appropriate.
Set Books
Students will also need to provide their own copies of set texts including
“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”
“The Upanishads”
“The Bhagavad Gita”
“The Hatha Yoga Pradipika”
Further information including recommended editions and a suggested “further reading” list will be provided by the tutor once a place has been offered and accepted.
There will be a free of charge Introductory Day in Castleside Village Hall (date to be confirmed) so you can experience what a course day entails before committing to the course.
Book your place using the button below or, if you’d like more information, please do get in touch by emailing or phone/text 07759990047
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