All classes are running to schedule until Easter 2025
All classes are running to schedule until Easter 2025
”Bone for Life” is a movement programme developed by Ruthy Alon (1930-2020) based on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais.
Ruthy studied a diverse range of sources from astronauts, cosmonauts and the women of the Masai tribes of South Africa to explore how the body’s relationship to gravity impacts on bone density, functional movement and general health.
As a result of her work she developed a number of “processes” designed to improve quality of movement and general well-being.
Ninety of these processes make up the “Bones for Life” programme.
It takes 2 years of training to be able to deliver the “Bones” programmes,
Along with six other teachers, I completed my course with Marye Wyvill (centre) in October 2022 .
At the moment I’m not running any classes that are purely from Ruthy’s protocols but many of the processes find their way into my weekly Yoga sessions.
There are so many similarities between Somatics and the “Bones” programme that the two complement each other beautifully.
However I may well set up some monthly workshops or “one off” sessions that explore these fabulous techniques in more detail so watch this space!
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