All classes are running to schedule until Easter 2025
All classes are running to schedule until Easter 2025
Student -Citizens House Class
Welcome to my website.
I’m Jacqui, I’m a British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher based in beautiful County Durham in the North East of England. I offer fun, friendly Yoga classes that are suitable for adults of all abilities.*
Check out the timetable for a variety of times and venues in the local area and navigate the menu for "Frequently Asked Questions" and information about what to expect in my classes.
Not flexible? Not a problem - the aim is to create a balance between strength and flexibility.
Self -conscious ? Don't be ! You will be made very welcome and my classes are inclusive, supportive and non judgemental.
My mission statement is to “make my Yoga classes enjoyable and accessible to everyone”.*
*If you have a serious or chronic health condition, have had recent surgery including caesarian section or are pregnant or have given birth in the last six weeks please contact me before attending a class so we can be sure that it is safe and appropriate for you to do so. See FAQ for more information.
Yoga is a great way to improve and maintain range of movement . But it's more than just a set of exercises. It's a practice designed to help you find out more about your body - what it will and wont do, where your limitations are , what can change and more importantly what can't'. So it's very much tailored to you as an individual which is why I stress that its non-competitive. It doesn't matter what anyone else can do it's about what works for you!
Yoga not only helps improve your physical wellbeing , but it can also help calm the mind and aid focus and concentration. Breathing and relaxation techniques are a key part of my sessions and they're there to help you let go of the mental chatter - the hundred and one things your mind wants to think about from your endless "to do " list! So give yourself a break and take care of your wellbeing just by tuning into your breath and give yourself permission to relax. All classes are suitable for beginners as well as more experienced students.
Sign up to my weekly newsletter. It’s free and great for class updates ,upcoming events and much more. I will not share your information or use it for anything other than Yoga related correspondence.
Keep up to date with everything that’s happening in my Yoga world by signing up for my lovely weekly newsletter here!